How close are we to climate tipping points?

As world leaders gather at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland, to take bolder action against climate change, human activity has already warmed the planet 1.1°C above pre-industrial ...

Leaders commit to 30% methane cut at climate summit

Dozens of countries on Tuesday joined a United States and European Union pledge to cut emissions of methane—a potent greenhouse gas—by at least 30 percent this decade, in a major commitment for climate action.

Genetics of rainforest tree reveal its past and possible future

For most people who go for a walk in a forest, their surroundings seem unchanging. But researchers from Japan have discovered that, on a geological time scale, one rainforest tree species has been getting up to all sorts ...

Brazil pledges higher greenhouse emissions cuts

The government of Brazil, much criticized for its environmental policies, said Monday it would cut 2005-level greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030—up from a previous pledge of 43 percent.

Study: 10 UNESCO forests emit more CO2 than they soak up

Sites containing some of the world's most treasured forests, including the Yosemite National Park and Indonesia's Sumatra rainforest, have been emitting more heat-trapping carbon dioxide than they have absorbed in recent ...

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