Genetics of rainforest tree reveal its past and possible future

For most people who go for a walk in a forest, their surroundings seem unchanging. But researchers from Japan have discovered that, on a geological time scale, one rainforest tree species has been getting up to all sorts ...

How the Chicxulub impactor gave rise to modern rainforests

Tropical rainforests today are biodiversity hotspots and play an important role in the world's climate systems. A new study published today in Science sheds light on the origins of modern rainforests and may help scientists ...

Tiny treetop flowers foster incredible beetle biodiversity

Biologist have long known that rainforest treetops support a huge number of beetle species, but why these canopies are so rich in beetle diversity has remained a mystery. New research by my colleague Susan Kirmse and me shows ...

Palm trees most abundant in American rainforests

Characteristics of palm trees differ from those of other tropical trees in many ways. In a major new study led by scientists at Uppsala University, Sweden, and University of Campinas, Brazil, they have surveyed the actual ...

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