Flooding in California: What went wrong, and what comes next

Battered by storm after storm, California is facing intense flooding, with at least 19 lives lost so far and nearly 100,000 people evacuated from their homes. And there's no sign that the storms will be letting up soon.

Is the jet stream changing?

Heavy precipitation, wind storms, heat waves—when severe weather events such as these occur they are frequently attributed to a wavy jet stream. The jet stream is a powerful air current in the upper troposphere that balances ...

Ground shaking during devastating flood offers new insights

A devastating wall of water gushed down the Bhotekoshi/Sunkoshi River in Nepal on July 5, 2016. It came from a lake that had been dammed by a glacial moraine, but the dam broke and discharged more than 100,000 tons of water ...

Meteorologist lifts the fog surrounding El Niño

Based on the latest information from a San Francisco State University meteorologist, now may be a good time to stock up on rain ponchos, rubber boots and umbrellas. The overall consensus among scientists, forecasters and ...

Climate change speeds up gully erosion

The erosion of large natural channels by flowing water—gully erosion—can wreak havoc on fields, roads, and buildings. In some cases, the sudden expansion of gullies even claims human lives. Geographers from KU Leuven, ...

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