NASA analyzes Hurricane Raymond's copious rainfall

Powerful hurricane Raymond, located off Mexico's south-central Pacific coast, weakened to a tropical storm and has dropped a lot of rain over central western Mexico's coast. NASA's TRMM satellite measured rainfall from space ...

Statistically linking extreme precipitation to global warming

Extreme rainfall can have serious effects on societies and ecosystems. Increases in extreme precipitation events are predicted to occur as Earth's climate warms, in part because warmer air has greater capacity to hold moisture, ...

TRMM sees post-season South Pacific Tropical Cyclone 21P

The South Pacific hurricane Tropical Depression season normally ends in April but Tropical Depression 21P has developed in the South Pacific Ocean between Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands from "System 91P," a low ...

Poor spring rain projected in Africa

Spring rains in the eastern Horn of Africa are projected to begin late this year and be substantially lower than normal.

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