Study finds that big rains eventually bring big algae blooms

In the lake-rich regions of the world, algae blooms are a growing problem. Not only are the floating green scums a nuisance for anyone hoping to enjoy the water, they can turn toxic and threaten public health.

Flash floods sweep away houses, cars in Australian town

Entire buildings have been ripped from their foundations after flash floods swamped a small Australian town, with disaster management officials on Wednesday describing the deluge as a destructive "wall of water".

Severe storms swell Iguazu falls to 10 times normal flow

The famed Iguazu waterfalls on the border between Argentina and Brazil have registered 10 times their usual water volume after heavy rains, authorities said, closing one of the site's main tourist walkways for safety reasons.

Heavy floods ravage West Africa farmlands

Nigeria rice farmer Adamu Garba squelched barefoot through his paddy fields, surveying damage from devastating floods that have destroyed farmland across the north of the country.

Keeping bacteria at bay in Hawaiian water bodies

During heavy rains, Hawaii's streams, rivers, and nearshore waters change on microscopic levels. Bacteria in these aquatic systems increase, and some of these bacteria can be harmful to human health. They can cause problems ...

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