How bees find their way home

How can a bee fly straight home in the middle of the night after a complicated route through thick vegetation in search of food? For the first time, researchers have been able to show what happens in the brain of the bee.

An insider's perspective on the science behind wildfires

As climate change continues to have an impact on the ecology of landscapes across the world, wildfires in Arizona have become more frequent and more intense over time. As monsoon rains finally extinguished the 27,000-acre ...

US firms buying timber from illegal PNG logging: NGO

American consumers may be fuelling logging linked to illegal land grabs in Papua New Guinea which have devastated local communities and the world's third largest tropical rain forest, Global Witness said Tuesday.

Researchers discovered fungus gnat paradise in Peruvian Amazonia

Finnish and Estonian researchers have discovered and identified 16 new fungus gnat species in the Amazonia. The diverse gnat species maintain exceptionally rich parasitoid wasp species, which shows the importance of interdependence ...

What is the wettest place on Earth?

Those who live along the "wet coast" – which is what people living in Puget Sound or the lower mainland of British Columbia and Vancouver Island affectionately call their home – might think that they live in the wettest ...

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