Related topics: japan · nuclear plant · fukushima

Hidden uncertainties uncovered in nuclear forensic measurement

A little detective work by nuclear physicists has uncovered hidden uncertainties in a popular method for precisely measuring radioactive nuclides, often used to make reference materials for forensic analyses such as radioactive ...

Improving detection of radioactive material in nuclear waste water

As the Fukushima crisis continues to remind the world of the potential dangers of nuclear disposal and unforeseen accidents, scientists are reporting progress toward a new way to detect the radioactive materials uranium and ...

Steam seen at Fukushima reactors: TEPCO

Vapour has begun rising again from a reactor at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, more than two-and-a-half years after its core melted down, the site's Japanese operator said Friday.

Gold used to test reactor beam quality, intensity after upgrade

( —A little engine work is a nice excuse to take a roadster for a spin and see how it performs. Similarly, a recent upgrade to a nuclear research workhorse at Idaho National Laboratory is driving verification of ...

Japan heads back to nuclear zero for reactor checkups

Workers will switch off one of Japan's two working reactors Monday, with the other set for shutdown later this month and no restarts in sight amid continued public hostility to nuclear power.

Fukushima water handling 'sloppy': nuclear watchdog

Nuclear watchdog inspectors who toured Japan's crippled Fukushima plant following the discovery of a huge radioactive leak declared Friday that water storage at the site was "sloppy".

Fluorescent label sheds light on radioactive contamination

Researchers in Japan have developed a way to detect caesium contamination on a scale of millimetres enabling the detection of small areas of radioactive contamination. The research is published in Science and Technology of ...

Glass offers improved means of storing UK's nuclear waste

University of Sheffield researchers have shown, for the first time, that a method of storing nuclear waste normally used only for high level waste, could provide a safer, more efficient, and potentially cheaper, solution ...

Leak brings safety of Hanford nuclear site into question

As part of the biggest, costliest environmental cleanup in the nation's history-disposing of 53 million gallons of radioactive waste at the Hanford nuclear reservation in Washington state-one thing was supposed to be sure: ...

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