X-rays might be a better way to communicate in space

In the coming years, thousands of satellites, several next-generation space telescopes and even a few space habitats are expected to be launched into orbit. Beyond Earth, multiple missions are planned to be sent to the lunar ...

New technology serves as fish body double

Hundreds of surrogate "fish" will be put to work at dams around the world through an agreement between ATS—Advanced Telemetry Systems—and the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to improve ...

Auto, technology industries clash over talking cars

Cars that wirelessly talk to each other are finally ready for the road, creating the potential to dramatically reduce traffic deaths, improve the safety of self-driving cars and someday maybe even help solve traffic jams, ...

Cognitive radio technology optimises use of scarce spectrum

As the number and variety of smartphones and other connected devices keeps growing, the need for radio spectrum grows with it. Cognitive radio technology developed under the EU-funded QOSMOS project could help meet these ...

Turning traditional textiles smart

Mexican researcher Paulino Vacas Jacques invented a "motherboard" able to turn textiles smart. This technology could be included in bed sheets to measure the hours slept by a person.

Wireless power transfer enhanced by metamaterials

(Phys.org)—Over the past decade, research on wireless power transfer has led to the development of several commercial applications, such as wireless charging of mobile devices and electric toothbrushes, as well as wireless ...

World's first 5G radio channel model

While the next mobile network generation – 5G – is yet to be fully realised, the EU has committed itself to ensuring that European businesses and services are able to take full advantage when this new wave of technology ...

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