Wind farms to blink only when necessary

They can be seen from afar – the blinking beacons on wind turbines intended to warn approaching aircraft at night. However, the continual blinking disturbs many people. Beacons that only switch on when necessary find more ...

Sending Australians into space

India's recent launch of a mission to Mars should cause us to contemplate Australia's potential role, or lack of one, in such ventures.

Telescope to track space junk using youth radio station

A combination of pop songs, talkback radio and cutting-edge science has enabled Australian astronomers to identify a way to prevent catastrophic, multi-billion dollar space junk collisions, a new study has revealed.

Internet radio becoming more mainstream, survey says

Internet radio's drumbeat is getting louder. More than half of Americans who go online listen to Internet radio services, and consumers who use them are using them more often, indicating the industry has become increasingly ...

Space station OPALS points to ramped up returns for research

It is a good thing that nobody ever told the International Space Station that it is considered rude to point. Scientists plan to ignore this much touted rule of manners when using the orbiting research platform to host a ...

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