Insight-HXMT gives insight into origin of fast radio bursts

The latest observations from Insight-HXMT were published online in Nature Astronomy on Feb. 18. Insight-HXMT has discovered the very first X-ray burst associated with a fast radio burst (FRB) and has identified that it originated ...

GECAM team reports first detection of gamma-ray transients

In the early morning of Jan. 20 (Beijing Time), the Gravitational Wave High-Energy Electromagnetic Counterpart All-sky Monitor (GECAM or Huairou-1) team reported their first detection of a gamma-ray transient (GRB 210119A) ...

Sky survey reveals newborn jets in distant galaxies

Astronomers using data from the ongoing VLA Sky Survey (VLASS) have found a number of distant galaxies with supermassive black holes at their cores that have launched powerful, radio-emitting jets of material within the past ...

Faint super-planet discovered by radio telescope

For the first time, astronomers have used observations from a radio telescope and a pair of observatories on Maunakea to discover and characterize a cold brown dwarf, also known as a "super planet" or "failed star." The discovery, ...

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