Groupon shares soar after $700 million IPO

Groupon shares soared on Wall Street on Friday after the online daily deals sensation raised $700 million in the biggest initial public offering by an Internet company since Google.

Terranova – thinking beyond a network standard

The future is digital: interconnected machines exchange huge amounts of data in real time and the demand for high data rates in the financial sector and in data centers is increasing by the day. Meanwhile, rural areas still ...

Low Frequency Array Ireland officially launched

On 27 July 2017, the newly built Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) station in Ireland will be officially opened. This extends the largest radio telescope in the world, connecting to its central core of antennas in the north of ...

White House seeks spectrium for public safety

(AP) -- The Obama administration is throwing its support behind a plan to give a valuable chunk of radio waves to police officers, firefighters and emergency medical workers to build nationwide wireless broadband network ...

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