LOFAR discovers new giant galaxy in all-sky survey

A team of astronomers led by ASTRON astronomer Dr. George Heald has discovered a previously unknown gigantic radio galaxy, using initial images from a new, ongoing all-sky radio survey. The galaxy was found using the powerful ...

UN sets stage for blazing fast new mobile devices

(AP) -- A United Nations telecom meeting has approved the next generation of mobile technology, which experts say will make devices 500 times faster than 3G smartphones and eliminate the wait time between the tap of a finger ...

Scientists hope to create robot strawberry pickers

Scientists at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), the UK's Measurement Institute, have developed an imaging technology which can identify the ripeness of strawberries before they are picked. The developers now hope to ...

Radio signals research scans new horizons

A study at the University of Leicester aims to understand the reasons why radio signals sometimes act unpredictably- travelling beyond the horizon and interfering with other signals.

Researcher explores how light can solve wireless space shortage

The proliferation of wireless devices may make daily life easier, but their signals are crowding an already limited number of available radio frequencies that enable wireless communication. A University of Georgia researcher ...

Looking at Jupiter's radio frequencies

In the visible spectrum, Jupiter is a bright, star-like point in the night sky. Viewing it with the naked eye, it would be easy to confuse it with a star except for the fact that it doesn't twinkle. At radio frequencies ...

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