Advances in simple crystals for thermoelectric technology

Space probes, gas pipelines, and other applications require an ongoing source of thermoelectric power without direct human maintenance, but current technologies for the corresponding energy conversion are inefficient. Now, ...

Filling the gaps in the SuperDARN archive

When solar wind slams into Earth's magnetic field, the impacts ripple down through the planet's ionosphere, the outer shell of the atmosphere full of charged particles. A global array of high-frequency radars known as the ...

The moon is the perfect spot for SETI

In less than four years, NASA plans to land the first woman and the next man on the moon as part of Project Artemis. This long-awaited return to the moon is to be followed by the construction of the Lunar Gateway, the Artemis ...

Dead star emits never-before seen mix of radiation

A global collaboration of telescopes including ESA's Integral high-energy space observatory has detected a unique mix of radiation bursting from a dead star in our galaxy—something that has never been seen before in this ...

Cosmic Yeti from the dawn of the universe found lurking in dust

Astronomers accidentally discovered the footprints of a monster galaxy in the early universe that has never been seen before. Like a cosmic Yeti, the scientific community generally regarded these galaxies as folklore, given ...

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