NASA's GPM observatory completes first dry run

(—NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory satellite went through its first complete comprehensive performance test (CPT), beginning on Oct. 4, 2012 at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in ...

Dead stars could be the future of spacecraft navigation

Scientists at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the University of Leicester have been commissioned by the European Space Agency (ESA) to investigate the feasibility of using dead stars to navigate spacecraft in deep ...

NASA spacecraft records 'Earthsong'

Nobody ever said anything about singing, though. A NASA spacecraft has just beamed back a beautiful song sung by our own planet.

Wireless power for the price of a penny

( -- The newspaper-style printing of electronic equipment has led to a cost-effective device that could change the way we interact with everyday objects.

Bio-inspired nanoantennas for light emission

Just as radio antennas amplify the signals of our mobile phones and televisions, the same principle can apply to light. For the first time, researchers from CNRS and Aix Marseille Université have succeeded in producing ...

SETI on the SKA

Can the Square Kilometer Array - a network of thousands of radio antennas to be based in South Africa and Australia -- be used to hunt for extraterrestrial signals?

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