Speeding swarms of sensor robots

Concerns about the spread of radiation from damaged Japanese nuclear reactors — even as scientists are still trying to assess the consequences of the year-old Deepwater Horizon oil spill — have provided a painful ...

Off-the-shelf electronics turn up gain on spectroscopy

Whether the object of attention is a novel aspect of the universe or an enigmatic and distant colleague, listening is key to nearly any effort to seek understanding. And not just with your ears. Spectroscopy, the study of ...

Ozone detection

Researchers in Freiburg, Germany, have developed a highly-sensitive, miniaturized mobile ozone sensor which can be used not only in air, but also in water and in the vicinity of explosive gases.

The Phantom Torso Returns

The Phantom Torso is back, and he has quite a story to tell. He's an armless, legless, human-shaped torso, a mannequin that looks like he's wrapped in a mummy's bandages. Scientists at the European Space Agency call him Matroshka, ...

CT Scan To Help Scientists Diagnose Role of Clouds in Climate

(PhysOrg.com) -- During May and June 2009, scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, and the University of Colorado at Boulder will use high-tech scanners ...

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