Related topics: patients ยท women

New reports sound alarm on school performance: Experts respond

Two new education performance reports released by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) have painted a bleak picture of Australia's student literacy and science and mathematics achievement, with Australian ...

New research shows just how well the 2012 Games were run

Unique research conducted by a University of Huddersfield professor confirms just how successfully the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics were designed, organised and delivered. His findings will reveal to planners of the 2016 ...

New Irish study on how safe cyclists feel

The findings of the largest survey to date on the perception of safety among cyclists in Dublin have been published by engineering researchers at Trinity College Dublin, University College Cork and University of Hong Kong.

Teaching workshops fail to spur learner-centered teaching

Professional development workshops for college teachers, designed to encourage the use of active, "learner-centered" teaching methods, may be less effective than the participants believe, according to research reported in ...

Canada isn't really interested in your sexual orientation

Because homosexuals, and especially bisexuals, are statistically more likely to be at risk of ill health, Statistics Canada must come up with new questionnaires that will reveal how sexual orientation is linked to stress, ...

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