Technology tracks 'bee talk' to help improve honey bee health

Biologists are working to better understand Colony Collapse Disorder given the value of honey bees to the economy and the environment. Monitoring bee activity and improving monitoring systems may help to address the issue. 

How queen bees control the princesses

Queen bees and ants emit a chemical that alters the DNA of their daughters and keeps them as sterile and industrious workers, scientists have found.

More sex key to protecting bee populations

They're small, they're responsible for helping produce a third of the world's food production, and their foraging habits and sex lives are crucial areas of scientific research.

Genetics for producing thousands of queen bees

Mexico has launched its first Center for Queen Bee Breeding in the center-north state of Aguascalientes, which aims to support productivity for 45 thousand Mexican producers of honey, which last year generated revenues of ...

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