Related topics: quantum computing

Putting the squeeze on quantum information

Canadian Institute for Advanced Research researchers have shown that information stored in quantum bits can be exponentially compressed without losing information. The achievement is an important proof of principle, and could ...

Ultra-thin wires for quantum computing

Take a fine strand of silica fiber, attach it at each end to a slow-turning motor, gently torture it over an unflickering flame until it just about reaches its melting point and then pull it apart. The middle will thin out ...

In quantum computing, light may lead the way

( —Light might be able to play a bigger, more versatile role in the future of quantum computing, according to new research by Yale University scientists.

Spintronics approach enables new quantum technologies

( —A team of researchers including members of the University of Chicago's Institute for Molecular Engineering highlight the power of emerging quantum technologies in two recent papers published in the Proceedings ...

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