Related topics: quantum computing

Lab develops new method for on-chip generation of single photon

As buzz grows ever louder over the future of quantum, researchers everywhere are working overtime to discover how best to unlock the promise of super-positioned, entangled, tunneling or otherwise ready-for-primetime quantum ...

New spin control method brings billion-qubit quantum chips closer

Australian engineers have discovered a new way of precisely controlling single electrons nestled in quantum dots that run logic gates. What's more, the new mechanism is less bulky and requires fewer parts, which could prove ...

A new qubit approach for more stable states for quantum computers

Quantum computers can more rapidly process large amounts of data, because they carry out many computation steps in parallel. The information carrier of the quantum computer is a qubit. Qubits do not only possess the information ...

Chip circuit for light could be applied to quantum computations

The ability to transmit and manipulate, with minimal loss, the smallest unit of light—the photon—plays a pivotal role in optical communications as well as designs for quantum computers that would use light rather than ...

Detecting dark matter with quantum computers

Dark matter makes up about 27% of the matter and energy budget in the universe, but scientists do not know much about it. They do know that it is cold, meaning that the particles that make up dark matter are slow-moving. ...

Using 'cat states' to realize fault-tolerant quantum computers

Error correction in quantum computers could be simplified by a new protocol proposed by an all-RIKEN team based on "cat states." It could cut the computing resources needed to fix errors to the same level as conventional ...

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