Ultrafast quantum simulation of large-scale quantum entanglement

A research group led by Professor Kenji Ohmori at the Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences are using an artificial crystal of 30,000 atoms aligned in a cubic array with a spacing of 0.5 ...

A new kind of chip for quantum technology

Today, we are living in the midst of a race to develop a quantum computer, one that could be used for practical applications. This device, built on the principles of quantum mechanics, holds the potential to perform computing ...

New property of hydrogen predicted

Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. It determines the properties of stars and planets and is crucial for life on Earth—not least because of its role in climate-neutral energy supply. Generations of scientists ...

Machine learning enhances X-ray imaging of nanotextures

Using a combination of high-powered X-rays, phase-retrieval algorithms and machine learning, Cornell researchers revealed the intricate nanotextures in thin-film materials, offering scientists a new, streamlined approach ...

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