New record in quantum communications

(—Researchers from The Australian National University have taken a quantum leap towards developing the next-generation super-fast networks needed to drive future computing.

Advancing quantum computing

European researchers have made important advances in understanding the major stumbling block to realisation of quantum computers, a phenomenon known as decoherence.

A new 'lens' for looking at quantum behavior

( -- In a paper published in Physical Review Letters, researchers Daniel Terno (Macquarie University, Australia) and Radu Ionicioiu (Institute of Quantum Computing, Canada) provide a new perspective on fundamental ...

The impending revolution of low-power quantum computers

By 2017, quantum physics will help reduce the energy consumption of our computers and cellular phones by up to a factor of 100. For research and industry, the power consumption of transistors is a key issue. The next revolution ...

Exotic quantum states: A new research approach

( -- Theoretical physicists of the University of Innsbruck have formulated a new concept to engineer exotic, so-called topological states of matter in quantum mechanical many-body systems. They linked concepts ...

Research sheds new light on black holes

( -- The quantum phenomenon which is thought to cause black holes to leak energy and ultimately explode is more common than first thought according to Victoria University researchers.

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