Thermoelectrics: From heat to electricity

A lot of heat gets lost during the conversion of energy. Estimates even put it at more than 70%. However, in thermoelectric materials, such as those being studied at the Institute of Solid State Physics at TU Wien, heat can ...

New algorithm to measure entanglement entropy

A research team from the Department of Physics, the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has developed a new algorithm to measure entanglement entropy, advancing the exploration of more comprehensive laws in quantum mechanics, a ...

Tug-of-war unlocks menagerie of quantum phases of matter

Phases are integral to how we define our world. We navigate through the phases of our lives, from child to teenager to adult, chaperoned along the way by our changing traits and behaviors. Nature, too, undergoes phase changes. ...

Towards quantum simulation of false vacuum decay

Phase transitions are everywhere, ranging from water boiling to snowflakes melting, and from magnetic transitions in solids to cosmological phase transitions in the early universe. Particularly intriguing are quantum phase ...

Minimizing laser phase noise with machine learning

Ultra-precise lasers can be used for optical atomic clocks, quantum computers, power cable monitoring, and much more. But all lasers make noise, which researchers from DTU Fotonik want to minimize using machine learning.

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