The first controllable atom SQUID

(—Scientists have created the first controllable atomic circuit that functions analogously to a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) and allows operators to select a particular quantum state of the ...

Atomic nuclei intimately entangled by a quantum measurement

Scientists from the Netherlands (Delft University of Technology and the FOM Foundation) and the UK (Element Six) have brought two atomic nuclei in a diamond into a quantum entangled state. This exotic relation was created ...

Disseminating the kilogram, no strings attached

(—The impending redefinition of the kilogram presents a weighty dilemma. Methods to be used to realize the redefined kilogram are based on the Planck constant and the Avogadro constant respectively and realize ...

Scalable device for quantum information processing

( -- Researchers in NPL's Quantum Detection Group have demonstrated for the first time a monolithic 3D ion microtrap array which could be scaled up to handle several tens of ion-based quantum bits (qubits). The research, ...

Disentangling information from photons

Theoretical physicist Filippo Miatto and colleagues from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, have found a new method of reliably assessing the information contained in photon pairs used for applications in cryptography ...

Watching an electron being born

Atomic processes take place on extremely short time scales. Measurements at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) can now visualize these processes.

Micromechanical mirror performs under pressure... of light

( -- A team of scientists from PML's Quantum Measurement Division has designed and tested a novel device that may lead to substantial progress in the new and fast-moving field of optomechanics.

First, fast, and faster

( -- Scientists in PML's Quantum Measurement Division have produced the first superluminal light pulses made by using a technique called four-wave mixing, creating two separate pulses whose peaks propagate faster ...

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