New imaging method reveals concealed objects

A new way of imaging concealed objects, devised by a researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and his colleagues, might take all the fun out of hide-and-seek, but could also help save lives.

Researchers in Sweden develop light emitter for quantum circuits

The promise of a quantum internet depends on the complexities of harnessing light to transmit quantum information over fiber optic networks. A potential step forward was reported today by researchers in Sweden who developed ...

Single photons from a silicon chip

Quantum technology holds great promise: Just a few years from now, quantum computers are expected to revolutionize database searches, AI systems, and computational simulations. Today already, quantum cryptography can guarantee ...

Space-borne quantum source to secure communication

Soon, powerful quantum computers will be able to easily crack conventional mathematically encrypted codes. Entangled photons generated by a spaceborne quantum source could enable hack-proof key exchange for ultra high security ...

Ultrafast remote switching of light emission

Researchers from Eindhoven University of Technology can now for the first time remotely control a miniature light source at timescales of 200 trillionth of a second. They published the results on Sept. 2014 in the online ...

Simulating the sun for photovoltaic research

PML researchers have devised a novel source of portable sunlight that may fill an urgent need in renewable energy research – namely, light sources that generate a near-perfect solar spectrum to be used in testing the performance ...

Team boosts metropolitan quantum teleportation to hertz rate

Quantum teleportation allows quantum information to be transferred to a remote location by using quantum entanglement and classical communication. It has been achieved with varying rates of independent photons of quantum ...

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