The first lab-created 'quantum abacus'

Do you want to know whether a very large integer is a prime number or not? Or if it is a "lucky number"? A new study by SISSA, carried out in collaboration with the University of Trieste and the University of Saint Andrews, ...

Using the power of symmetry for new quantum technologies

By taking advantage of nature's own inherent symmetry, researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have found a way to control and communicate with the dark state of atoms. This finding opens another door toward ...

Developing the building blocks of the future for photovoltaics

An international research team led by the University of Göttingen has, for the first time, observed the build-up of a physical phenomenon that plays a role in the conversion of sunlight into electrical energy in 2D materials. ...

A new look at disordered carbon

When carbon atoms stack into a perfectly repeating three-dimensional crystal, they can form precious diamonds. Arranged another way, in repetitive flat sheets, carbon makes the shiny gray graphite found in pencils. But there ...

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