A 'Sisyphus' method for cooling trapped molecules

(Phys.org)—The investigation of ultracold molecules is of great interest for a number of problems. It could lead to a better understanding of chemical reactions in astrophysics. Ensembles of ultracold molecules could be ...

First noiseless single photon amplifier

Research physicists have demonstrated the first device capable of amplifying the information in a single particle of light without adding noise.

Physicists squeeze light on quantum scale

An international team of physicists has pushed the boundaries on ultra-precise measurement by harnessing quantum light waves in a new way.

First photo of shadow of single atom

In an international scientific breakthrough, a Griffith University research team has been able to photograph the shadow of a single atom for the first time.

Squeezed light from single atoms

(PhysOrg.com) -- Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics scientists generate amplitude-squeezed light fields using single atoms trapped inside optical cavities.

A simple quantum dynamics problem?

Research reported in The Journal of Chemical Physics, which is published by the American Institute of Physics, provides the first real-time measurements of the time dependence of the individual steps of dissociation of a ...

Development of Cd-free quantum dot synthesis technology

Prof. Jong-Soo Lee and his research team from the Department of Energy Science & Engineering, DGIST, developed a green-emitting Cd-Free quantum dot synthesis technology with high color reproduction rate. The newly developed ...

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