The golden path towards new two-dimensional semiconductors

Two-dimensional (2-D) semiconductors are promising for quantum computing and future electronics. Now, researchers can convert metallic gold into semiconductor and customize the material atom-by-atom on boron nitride nanotubes.

Nonlinear integrated quantum electro-optic circuits

Physicists envision that the future of quantum computation networks will contain scalable, monolithic circuits, which include advanced functionalities on a single physical substrate. While substantial progress has already ...

Creating light sources for nanochips

( -- "One of the most important goals in the optics community is to create and manipulate light on chip," Yinan Zhang tells "This is especially important when it comes to improving the performance ...

Novel method for easier scaling of quantum devices

In an advance that may help researchers scale up quantum devices, an MIT team has developed a method to "recruit" neighboring quantum bits made of nanoscale defects in diamond, so that instead of causing disruptions they ...

Researchers establish the first entanglement-based quantum network

A team of researchers from QuTech in the Netherlands reports realization of the first multi-node quantum network, connecting three quantum processors. In addition, they achieved a proof-of-principle demonstration of key quantum ...

Ring my string: Building silicon nano-strings

Tightening a string, e.g. when tuning a guitar, makes it vibrate faster. But when strings are nano-sized, increased tension also reduces, or 'dilutes', the loss of the string's vibrational modes.

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