Engineering robust and scalable molecular qubits

The concept of "symmetry" is essential to fundamental physics: a crucial element in everything from subatomic particles to macroscopic crystals. Accordingly, a lack of symmetry—or asymmetry—can drastically affect the ...

Powering lasers through heat

In micro electronics heat often causes problems and engineers have to put a lot of technical effort into cooling, for example micro chips, to dissipate heat that is generated during operation. Austrian physicists have now ...

Qubits in the quantum sea

(—"Quantum weirdness," a phrase related to the power and the un-intuitive nature of quantum reality, is expected to facilitate speeded-up computation—quantum computing—for performing certain specialized tasks, ...

Light controls matter, matter controls x-rays

Like playing a game of scissors-paper-rock, a team of scientists led by Thornton E. (Ernie) Glover of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Advanced Light Source (ALS), Linda Young of Argonne National Laboratory, and Ali ...

Three-way battles in the quantum world

In phase transitions, for instance between water and water vapor, the motional energy competes with the attractive energy between neighboring molecules. Physicists at ETH Zurich have now studied quantum phase transitions ...

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