Basic quantum computing circuit built

( -- Exerting delicate control over a pair of atoms within a mere seven-millionths-of-a-second window of opportunity, physicists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison created an atomic circuit that may help quantum ...

Cleaning up quantum devices

A paper, based on NPL collaborative research, has been published in the journal Physical Review Letters The work paves the way for the identification and elimination of small amounts of surface defects whose presence on the ...

Elusive transition shows universal quantum signatures

There are stark differences between metals, through which electrons flow freely, and electrical insulators, in which electrons are essentially immobile. And despite the obvious difficulties in finding a way to switch back ...

Electronics play by a new set of rules at the molecular scale

(—In a paper published in Nature Nanontechnology on September 2, 2012, scientists from the DOE's Brookhaven National Laboratory and Columbia University's departments of Chemistry and of Applied Physics explore ...

Long predicted but never observed: A new kind of quantum junction

A new type of quantum bit called a "phase-slip qubit", devised by researchers at the RIKEN Advanced Science Institute and their collaborators, has enabled the world's first-ever experimental demonstration of coherent quantum ...

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