Breakthrough offers new route to large-scale quantum computing

(—In a key step toward building a machine that promises to revolutionize computing, Princeton researchers have developed a method that could quickly and reliably transmit information through a computer using the ...

A 'Sisyphus' method for cooling trapped molecules

(—The investigation of ultracold molecules is of great interest for a number of problems. It could lead to a better understanding of chemical reactions in astrophysics. Ensembles of ultracold molecules could be ...

Quantum oscillator responds to pressure

In the far future, superconducting quantum bits might serve as components of high-performance computers. Today already do they help better understand the structure of solids, as is reported by researchers of Karlsruhe Institute ...

Single-atom writer a landmark for quantum computing

A research team led by Australian engineers has created the first working quantum bit based on a single atom in silicon, opening the way to ultra-powerful quantum computers of the future.

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