Could aluminum nitride be engineered to produce quantum bits?

Quantum computers have the potential to break common cryptography techniques, search huge datasets and simulate quantum systems in a fraction of the time it would take today's computers. But before this can happen, engineers ...

Scientists develop long-range secure quantum communication system

A group of scientists from ITMO University in Saint Petersburg, Russia has developed a novel approach to the construction of quantum communication systems for secure data exchange. The experimental device based on the results ...

Protected Majorana states for quantum information

Quantum technology has the potential to revolutionize computation, cryptography, and simulation of quantum systems. However, quantum physics places a new demand on information processing hardware: quantum states are fragile, ...

Quantum computer factors numbers, could be scaled up

What are the prime factors, or multipliers, for the number 15? Most grade school students know the answer—3 and 5—by memory. A larger number, such as 91, may take some pen and paper. An even larger number, say with 232 ...

Quantum computer coding in silicon now possible

A team of Australian engineers has proven—with the highest score ever obtained—that a quantum version of computer code can be written, and manipulated, using two quantum bits in a silicon microchip. The advance removes ...

Team finds the 'key' to quantum network solution

Scientists at the University of York's Centre for Quantum Technology have made an important step in establishing scalable and secure high rate quantum networks.

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