A new way to count qubits

Researchers at Syracuse University, working with collaborators at the University of Wisconsin (UW)-Madison, have developed a new technique for measuring the state of quantum bits, or qubits, in a quantum computer.

Quantum transfer at the push of a button

In new quantum information technologies, fragile quantum states have to be transferred between distant quantum bits. Researchers at ETH have now realized such a quantum transmission between two solid-state qubits at the push ...

The right squeeze for quantum computing

A new theoretical model involves squeezing light to just the right amount to accurately transmit information using subatomic particles. Scientists at Hokkaido University and Kyoto University report that this theoretical approach ...

Quantum physicists achieve entanglement record

Entanglement is of central importance for the new quantum technologies of the 21st century. A German-Austrian research team is now presenting the largest entangled quantum register of individually controllable systems to ...

New quantum memory stores information for hours

Storing information in a quantum memory system is a difficult challenge, as the data is usually quickly lost. At TU Wien, ultra-long storage times have now been achieved using tiny diamonds.

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