Pyramids built along long-lost river, scientists discover

Scientists have discovered a long-buried branch of the Nile river that once flowed alongside more than 30 pyramids in Egypt, potentially solving the mystery of how ancient Egyptians transported the massive stone blocks to ...

Egypt unveils hidden corridor in Giza pyramid

An international research team has discovered a previously unknown chamber in the Cheops pyramid of Gizeh. As early as 2016 measurements had given reason to assume the existence of a hidden hollow space in the vicinity of ...

Archeologists to scan the Great Pyramid of Giza with cosmic rays

The Great Pyramid of Giza might be the most iconic structure humans ever built. Ancient civilizations constructed archaeological icons that are a testament to their greatness and persistence. But in some respects, the Great ...

Maya rulers put their personal stamp on monumental complexes

Early Maya cities featured monumental complexes, which centered on a shared form of religion but these complexes transformed radically once kingship emerged in 400 B.C. To solidify their power, rulers throughout the Maya ...

Where did brains come from?

Charles Darwin wrote a book called "The Power of Movement in Plants" with his son Francis in which they first identified the root apex as the central command center of plants. In contrast to our own orientation with respect ...

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