Computer scientists make progress on math puzzle

( -- Two UT Dallas computer scientists have made progress on a nearly 4-decade-old mathematical puzzle, producing a proof that renowned Stanford computer scientist Don Knuth called "amazing" in his communication ...

Discovery could lead to more difficult Sudoku puzzles

( -- A new analysis of number randomness in Sudoku matrices could lead to the development of more difficult and multi-dimensional Sudoku puzzles. In a recent study, mathematicians have found that the way that ...

Esquire looks to energize print with 3-D animation

(AP) -- Hold Esquire's December issue in front of a webcam, and an on-screen image of the magazine pops to life, letters flying off the cover. Shift and tilt the magazine, and the animation on the screen moves accordingly.

What are the Chances? Probability Solves an Evolutionary Puzzle

The origin of species may be almost as random as a throw of the dice. Iosif Pinelis, a professor of mathematical sciences at Michigan Technological University, has worked out a mathematical solution to a biological puzzle: ...

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