A digital safe for sending confidential documents

To secure the storage and transfer of documents, two post-docs at EPFL have recently developed three solutions. The solutions use encryption to render documents inaccessible to anyone who does not possess the secret code ...

Paddle turns a Rubik's puzzle into a mobile device (w/ Video)

Recently, major electronics manufacturers displayed new types of screens that are thin and flexible for integration in mobile devices and e-readers. Looking one step further, a team of researchers from Hasselt University ...

Study reveals ancient jigsaw puzzle of past supercontinent

A new study published today in the journal Gondwana Research, has revealed the past position of the Australian, Antarctic and Indian tectonic plates, demonstrating how they formed the supercontinent Gondwana 165 million years ...

New study strengthens olfactory vibration-sensing theory

(Phys.org)—A new study by a team of chemists in Greece has added credence to a theory that suggests that humans differentiate smells by sensing molecular vibrations, rather than through simple binding to receptors. In their ...

Computers write the books, to INSEAD prof's credit

(Phys.org)—English majors might warm to the question of what they want to be when they graduate. Author? OK. Writer? Fine. Master Compiler? Hmm. "Master Compiler" is not a familiar career path to English majors, but it ...

Researchers make Sudoku puzzles less puzzling

For anyone who has ever struggled while attempting to solve a Sudoku puzzle, University of Notre Dame researcher Zoltan Toroczkai and Notre Dame postdoctoral researcher Maria Ercsey-Ravaz are riding to the rescue. They can ...

Banks' cash stash: No shield against bankruptcy

Imposing minimal capital levels for banks is like attempting to solve a complex jigsaw puzzle with a poorly fitting piece that could lead to even greater chaos.

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