Europe to equip the biggest cryoplant in the world

A major technological deal has been reached between Fusion for Energy, the EU organisation responsible for Europe's contribution to ITER, and Air Liquide, gas technology global leader, in order to equip the world's biggest ...

High-tech materials purify water with sunlight

Sunlight plus a common titanium pigment might be the secret recipe for ridding pharmaceuticals, pesticides and other potentially harmful pollutants from drinking water. Scientists combined several high-tech components to ...

New technique produces highly selective filter materials

Researchers have devised a way of making tiny holes of controllable size in sheets of graphene, a development that could lead to ultrathin filters for improved desalination or water purification.

Seeds from Moringa oleifera trees used to purify water

Seeds from Moringa oleifera trees can be used to purify water. Uppsala University leads a research group which has discovered that seed material can give a more efficient purification process than conventional synthetic materials ...

Biofuel from human urine

Micro-algae can grow on undiluted human urine. This offers opportunities for new water purification methods and perhaps even for converting urine into usable chemical substances and biofuels.

Sticking power of plant polyphenols used in new coatings

A simple kitchen sink experiment helped Northwestern University researchers discover that green tea leaves not only can be used to steep a good cup of tea, but they make an excellent antibacterial coating, too.

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