Hawaiian monk seal sent to Waikiki to save species

The Hawaiian monk seal, the most endangered marine mammal in the United States, has a long list of threats - fishing nets, sharks and, particularly, humans. But for one group of seals, the biggest threat came from one of ...

Stranded baby seals concern Dutch rescuers

A month ago, a young seal named Marco washed up on a beach on the northern Dutch Frisian island of Ameland, one of a growing number of recently stranded pups that has left his rescuers worried.

53 dead fur seals wash up on Australian beach

More than 50 dead New Zealand fur seals have been found washed up on a beach in South Australia in unexplained circumstances, according to environmental officials.

More than 100 baby seals rescued on Dutch coast

A Dutch marine rescue centre for baby seals said Friday more than 100 of the sea mammal pups had washed up along the country's northern coastline after recent storms.

Harp seals on thin ice after 32 years of warming

Warming in the North Atlantic over the last 32 years has significantly reduced winter sea ice cover in harp seal breeding grounds, resulting in sharply higher death rates among seal pups in recent years, according to a new ...

Memory of mum's voice remains strong for young sea lions

(PhysOrg.com) -- Young sea lions are able to recognise their mother's voices long after they've been weaned, a new Macquarie University study has found. The research provides rare evidence of the long-term memory capacity ...

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