Light-induced changes in shape power a pump in a marine bacterium

RIKEN biochemists have discovered how a miniscule pump in a marine microbe shuttles negative ions into the cell by changing shape when activated by light. As well as providing insights into how these ion pumps work, the findings ...

Addressing the ocean deoxygenation crisis

While landlubbing house hunters sure don't have it easy these days, there's another community—one that dwarfs the human population in size—that is also suffering the woes of shrinking real estate: animals that live in ...

Powerful quake off north Japan kills 4, more than 90 injured

A powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Fukushima in northern Japan on Wednesday night, smashing furniture, knocking out power and killing four people. A small tsunami reached shore, but the low-risk advisory ...

Cutting HFCs to cool the Earth

To have a better chance of holding global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, we need to accelerate the phase-down of HFC refrigerants under the Montreal Protocol. This could also reduce pollution and improve energy access.

A glimpse into the ocean's biological carbon pump

Oceans play a key role in the global carbon dioxide balance. This is because billions of tiny algae live there, absorbing carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and incorporating it into their biomass. When these algae die, ...

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