NASA: Cooling pump on space station shuts down

NASA said Wednesday it was looking into a problem with a malfunctioning cooling pump on the International Space Station, but there was no immediate danger to the two American astronauts, three Russian cosmonauts, and Japanese ...

Muscular head pumps give long-proboscid fly the edge

A long-proboscid fly with an extra-long, tongue-like proboscis might seem to take extra-long to feed on a flower, but it actually has an advantage over its counterparts with average sized nectar-sipping mouth parts. It can ...

Robots may receive urine-powered artificial 'hearts'

( —It's a first: researchers have built the first artificial-heart-like pump that is powered by microbial fuel cells fed on human urine. But instead of being used as a prosthetic device for human patients suffering ...

Mechanism of the sodium-potassium pump revealed

Researchers from Aarhus University have collaborated with a Japanese group of researchers to establish the structure of a crucial enzyme—the so-called sodium-potassium pump—which forms part of every cell in the human ...

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