Attosecond electron catapult

A team of physicists and chemists from the Laboratory of Attosecond Physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics has studied the interaction of light with tiny glass particles.

Measuring times in billionths of a billionth of a second

How fast do electrons inside a molecule move? Well, it is so fast that it takes them just a few attoseconds (a billionth of billionth of a second) to jump from one atom to another. Blink and you missed it—millions of billions ...

What really happens at femtosecond junctions?

When beams of ultra-short laser pulses running in the same direction intersect with each other at a noticeable angle, various interactions occur between the pulses. These physical phenomena are complicated, and their mathematical ...

Laser bursts drive fastest-ever logic gates

A long-standing quest for science and technology has been to develop electronics and information processing that operate near the fastest timescales allowed by the laws of nature.

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