Laser bursts drive fastest-ever logic gates

A long-standing quest for science and technology has been to develop electronics and information processing that operate near the fastest timescales allowed by the laws of nature.

Researchers create exotic magnetic structures with laser light

Research at Lund University in Sweden has found a new way to create nano-sized magnetic particles using ultrafast laser light pulses. The discovery could pave the way for new and more energy-efficient technical components ...

Illuminating a biological light switch

Using an innovative new imaging technique, researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine have revealed the inner workings of a family of light-sensing molecules in unprecedented detail and speed. The work could inform new strategies ...

A novel way to generate visible light

Visible light is extremely important in nature. Seen by the human eye, it is the most intense light emitted by the sun to reach the earth's surface and is an essential element for fundamental biological processes underlying ...

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