Exploring light-driven molecular swing

When light impinges on molecules, it is absorbed and re-emitted. Advances in ultrafast laser technology have steadily improved the level of detail in studies of such light-matter interactions.

Watching electrons using extreme ultraviolet light

A new technique developed by a team at MIT can map the complete electronic band structure of materials at high resolution. This capability is usually exclusive to large synchrotron facilities, but now it is available as a ...

High-power, high-energy, all-fiber Mamyshev oscillator

High power/energy ultrafast fiber lasers have broadband applications in material processing, medicine, advanced manufacturing and other fields. Compared with solid-state lasers, fiber lasers have the advantages of compact ...

Could asteroid mining become a space Gold Rush?

Grant Bergstue and Luke Burgess figure an asteroid mining space economy would be easier to build if there were the equivalent of a few Stuckey's around out there.

Could vacuum physics be revealed by laser-driven microbubbles?

A vacuum is generally thought to be nothing but empty space. But in fact, a vacuum is filled with virtual particle-antiparticle pairs of electrons and positrons that are continuously created and annihilated in unimaginably ...

Transmitting data from space to earth with laser filaments

Could light be used to transmit information between satellites and Earth? Atmospheric water vapor scatters and absorbs light energy, but overcome that obstacle, and light will carry far more information and move it faster ...

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