No shot: Why America won't pull the trigger on gun control

Whether you consider the Second Amendment a dangerous relic or inspiration for a tattoo, the U.S. public as a whole doesn't consider guns an important issue, except in the immediate wake of a mass shooting.

Wage insurance: A promising policy for displaced workers

Each year, millions of workers are displaced due to technological advancements, international competition, offshoring, and regulatory changes. These shifts can devastate workers, particularly those with specialized skills ...

How racism impacts support for affordable housing

The majority of people in the United States support affordable housing, but attitudes often shift when local developments are proposed. Stanford researchers have found that negative emotional associations with the idea of ...

How Black teachers lost when civil rights won in Brown v. Board

Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court decision that desegregated public schools, stands in the collective national memory as a turning point in America's fight for racial justice. But as the U.S. observes its 70th ...

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