Gender blind research on innovation

Are new ideas primarily shaped within male dominated industries? Due to gender stereotypes, some businesses are valued more than others, claims Norwegian researcher.

Obama climate pledge faces test on oil pipeline (Update 2)

(AP)—Environmental groups say President Barack Obama's warning about climate change will soon be tested as he decides whether to approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada to the Gulf Coast.

The stress of work becomes social issue

The sharp rise in work stress in Britain is becoming a major social problem in the current economic crisis, a new British Academy report has found.

Senate climate-change bill to be unveiled this week

Two top Senate Democrats are set to introduce a climate-change bill this week that would put new limits on carbon emissions, as world leaders prepare for a climate summit in Denmark after agreement last week by the G20 nations ...

Australian PM vows to create 50,000 'green' jobs

(AP) -- Australia's prime minister promised Thursday to create 50,000 "green" jobs and apprenticeships to combat climate change and unemployment simultaneously.

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