Vaccine attitude rises and falls with ideology

Political views and a person's trust in government play a role in whether or not they get vaccinated, according to a study by three faculty members at the University of Idaho.

How Muslims and Jews see each other in Western countries

Jewish-Muslim relations have been complicated for centuries, but assumptions that all Jews and Muslims are eternal enemies are proven wrong by a comprehensive survey review conducted by a researcher in Indiana University's ...

Bashful Tokyo pandas mate after four-year hiatus

Two giant pandas at Tokyo's Ueno Zoo mated for the first time in four years Monday—a 52-second effort that boosted hopes for a baby as well as shares in a nearby Chinese restaurant.

French watchdog says Facebook did not violate privacy

France's data watchdog said Tuesday that Facebook users' privacy had not been breached, a week after summoning officials from the social networking site over rumours that private messages were being posted publicly.

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