Toyota, Audi driverless demos will pull up to CES

(—While the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas starting January 8 will be full of mobile-computing gadgetry next week, autonomous driving demonstrations will also capture visitors' attention, and will raise ...

The Honda 3R-C: Designed For The NOW

By 2050, it is estimated that 70 percent of the world’s population will be living in urban areas. In industrialized countries, urban areas already account for 74 percent of their total populations. Can you imagine what ...

Cities 'must become car-free to survive'

Cities must become fully car-free in order to be liveable in the future, according to the UCL experts behind a new modeling report looking at urban car use.

China hopes 'eco-city' will prove a model alternative

At a construction site in northern China, a billboard boasts of a "liveable city" where residents can drink tap water, travel on clean energy public transport and enjoy acres of parkland.

Lockdown emissions fall will have 'no effect' on climate

The unprecedented fall in greenhouse gas emissions from lockdowns during the pandemic will do "nothing" to slow climate change without a lasting switch from fossil fuels, an international team of researchers said Friday.

Volvo unveils driverless electric bus in Singapore

Volvo and a Singapore university unveiled a driverless electric bus Tuesday that will soon undergo tests in the city-state, the latest move towards rolling out autonomous vehicles for public transport.

'Snow apocalypse' batters Moscow

A record-breaking snowstorm descended on Moscow on Friday, paralysing traffic, grounding flights and straining efforts of local authorities to respond to the "snow apocalypse".

After worst smog in 11 years, Mexico City braces for more

Choking smog returned to the skies of Mexico City this week at levels not seen in more than a decade, prompting fears of more eye-watering days to come as efforts to curb pollution run afoul of the courts and the realities ...

City buses turn to sewage for 'clean' fuel

Can the key to "clean" energy be found down in the sewer? That's the idea in Oslo, where city officials soon plan to introduce buses that run on biofuels extracted from human waste.

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