Do mass shootings cause more mass shootings? Research is divided

Two mass shootings in California last week that killed dozens of people in public spaces, as well as a third attack days earlier that killed six family members in their home, have again raised questions about whether such ...

Does proximity to protest sites affect people's political attitudes?

Urban protests that involve occupying public spaces can be effective for conveying protesters' messages and gaining wider support, but it's thought that they may backfire if they severely disrupt the everyday lives of non-participants. ...

Is mining in space socially acceptable?

Traditional mining has been subject to a negative stigma for some time. People, especially in developed countries, have a relatively negative view of this necessary economic activity. Primarily that is due to its environmental ...

Humans and nature: The distance between the two is growing

Humans are living further and further away from nature, leading to a decline in the number of our interactions with nature. This is the finding of a meta-study conducted by a Franco-German research team at the German Centre ...

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