Cuba, amid the censorship, wades into WiFi

Cuba, where Internet access is largely limited to government employees and pricey pay-by-hour public access, plans to start offering wireless service for the first time this month, officials said Saturday.

Six net neutrality principles proposed

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the U.S. voted last week to start a process to formulate rules that could force Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to uphold six principles that would preserve net neutrality, ...

Chinese social network Renren files for IPO

Renren, China's most popular social network, filed for an initial public offering in the United States on Friday hoping to raise as much as $583 million.

Paris launches world-first electric car-share scheme

Self-service electric cars appeared on the streets of Paris Sunday, as a French group launched a public car-hire scheme modelled on the capital's popular bicycle-sharing system and designed to become the world's largest of ...

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