Merkel cautious on 'fracking' in Germany

Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday expressed caution over whether the revolutionary oil and gas technique of "fracking" could be introduced in Germany, saying public safety was the main concern.

Made in Fukushima: Japan farmers struggle to win trust

The pumpkin is diced, the chicken carved and the eggs beaten into an omelette, but the people preparing the food are not chefs—they are scientists testing produce from Japan's Fukushima region.

Aging dams could soon benefit from $7B federal loan program

Eight years after Congress created the program, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is taking a first step toward offering more than $7 billion of federally backed loans to repair aging dams owned by states, local governments ...

Nuclear safety chief quizzed over Fukushima

Japanese police have questioned a former head of the nuclear safety body regarding possible criminal charges over the Fukushima nuclear crisis, news reports said Sunday.

Q&A: Do guns belong in the hands of domestic abusers?

On Nov. 7, the Supreme Court is scheduled to begin hearing United States v. Rahimi, a gun rights case that will decide if a federal law prohibiting possession of firearms by people subject to domestic violence protection ...

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