Self-driving cars could be the answer to congested roads

If cars with drivers still suffer under gridlock conditions on roads, how will driverless cars fare any better? With greater computerisation and network awareness, driverless cars may be the answer to growing traffic congestion.

Dutch government encourages self-driving car tests

The Dutch government says it wants to encourage large-scale tests of self-driving cars in the Netherlands by next year, and supports a plan to allow tests of self-driving trucks by 2019.

Visions of a 'car-free future'

City centers could become virtually car-free over the next 20 years under new plans proposed by University of Leeds transport researchers.

Self-driving cars now need a permit in California

Computer-driven cars have been testing their skills on California roads for more than four years—but until now, the Department of Motor Vehicles wasn't sure just how many were rolling around.

Britain starts public trial of driverless cars

Driverless cars are hitting Britain's public roads for the first time, giving a glimpse of future travel that's billed as safer and more efficient.

Sweden joins race for self-driving cars

A hundred self-driving Volvo cars will roll onto public roads in and around the Swedish city of Gothenburg in 2017, the Chinese-owned car maker said Monday.

Nissan to have self-driving car on market in 2020

Motorists could go hands-free, leaving their cars' computer brains fully in charge, as early as 2020, when Nissan says it plans to have a self-driving vehicle ready for the market.

Autonomous shuttles in Switzerland

For the first time in Switzerland, autonomous shuttles could make the rounds of a city center. Researchers at EPFL, in association with the startup BestMile and the public bus operator PostBus, are working on how to integrate ...

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